Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm all grown up now.

It has been a while since I posted. I have been busy being a puppy. I am going to be 2 next month and I am all grown up now. Mom and I had a great summer. She spent a little too much time in Jimmy Choo's barn for my liking but I am over it. I am the one that gets to sleep next to Mom's bed and cuddle with her on the couch...nah nah Jimmy.

I'm a good boy about gettin in Mom's car now. I figured that if she is going, I'm going with her. It isn't that bad and we usually take the dog (Cheyenne) with us. I am so happy to have a dog of my own. Not many boys can say that. I take my dog for walks with Mom. She keeps calling Cheyenne my sister but we know better. Mom just says that so Cheyenne feels like a part of the family. I know Mom loves me best. She is always petting me and kissing me. She always gets me an ice cube when she fills her glass and she always feeds me first. I am her favorite.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Mom

Mom has been kind of crabby the past few weeks. Doesn't she know if she just stayed home with me I would make her feel better. We could hang out on the couch, eat some treats, go for long walks, and nap in her bed. People just don't get it - dogs know how to live. Mom just looks at me and I get all happy, then she smiles. Whenever we look at each other she smiles. I want to make her stay home and not go where she goes that makes her sad.

Dad shares his food and my day is complete. He is really good at sharing. I chase the cats, wrestle with Cheyenne, and chew on my bones. Life isn't all that complicated. It seems like as soon as Mom gets home to be with me she is in a better mood. I think she should get rid of that stupid car and just hang out with us. I put my head on her lap, or crawl up in it, and I feel the stress leave her body. She needs to be a dog. It is a good thing she has two! We are working on teaching her the finer things in life. Of course I am better at it than Cheyenne.

I love my Mom,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let it snow..let it snow...let it snow!

Everyone in my house say that they hate winter! I love, love, love it!!! I don't have to wait for Mom to get me an ice cube from the fridge, I can eat all the snow I want! Mom yells for me to come in and I look at her like, "What, you have got to be kidding." but when I do listen and come in I get a TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom said she wants to come back as one of her dogs when she dies. I don't know how that could possible happen, but I get it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Does this make my butt look big?

Romeo and Mini-Me Murphy

My new toy!

Mom got me a new kitty to play with. He runs fast but I can run faster! He looks just like a mini-me. We play hide and seek around the chair. He squeaks when I step on him. Mom doesn't like that. Anna keeps taking him in her room and won't let me in to play. I don't get why they get me a toy and don't want me to play with it. She forgets that I can get Cheyenne to open the doors : )