Monday, December 13, 2010

What do we look like, trees?

Puppy's First Christmas

Mom and Anna thought it was real funny to dress Cheyenne and I up for Christmas. I don't know what this Christmas thing is but I'm not all that sure I'm going to like it. There are a bunch of weird things in the living room and Mom yells at me if I touch anything. Santa's beard is just too tempting. I think I need to take it off for him. I will just wait until Mom isn't looking.

On a better note Mom brought me home a kitty today. He smells really good. Mom makes me sit and behave when Murphy is running around. How fair is that? Cheyenne and I just want to play a little. Vader hates the kitty, but Vader hates all of us, except Mom, Cheri, and Anna. I was kind of hoping Mom was doing a trade in but Vader is still here. We took him to the vets the other day but they even made us take him home. When is Mom going to get it that that cat is evil and no one really wants him?

I am 11 months old now and when they weighed me at the vets they said I was 95 pounds, whatever that means. I'm learning how to sit and stay, lay and stay, get off the couch, quit begging, get off Mom's foot, and keep my licker to myself. I'm doing pretty well with everything but the licker. Everyone just tastes so good.

I found out the only food I don't like is radishes. They were nasty. My favorite food is anything Mom and Dad are eating. Dad is better about sharing than Mom. He understands that sharing is nice. Mom is kind of greedy. She gets really mad when I point it out too. I'm going to have to do some training with her.

We have this white, cold stuff outside and whatever it is I LOVE it. It is fun to run and jump in it and bury my nose in it. Mom keeps making me come inside but I wanna play! She promised to take me for a walk in it when it warms up. I want to go NOW!

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and remember that Newfies like presents too!
